
I am

timothy ramirez
Name: Timothy Ramirez
Profile: Student
Phone: (562)555-5555


HTML 100%
CSS 31%
JavaScript 68%

About Me

'Ello, my name is Timothy Ramirez and I'm a high school senior. I graduate in June of 2023 and plan on attending Rio Hondo College. I am currently taking ROP Computer Science as a student of Mr. Knott. He taught me and many other students how to use coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript; He even designed most of this website.

In this class we have gone through multiple projects with different ways to use the code that we have learned. The first code we learned about was JavaScript. On its own, it doesn't do much but when combined with the other coding languages it can make a huge difference in your coding work.
My favorite project of the ones listed is the "ToDo App". It's a simple application that allows you to write down, strike out, and remove any notes you have to take. I want to further develop the project so that I can actually save the notes that I put down and make it more useful for anyone that gets to it.

I do not plan on making a career out of coding, but I do plan on keeping it as a hobby. For a career I plan on being a pharmaceutical technician. Two completley different things, but I like them both. I'd once again like to thank Mr. Knott for introducing me to the world of code.
Thanks for reading! ~ Timothy


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Robot Generator

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Sunset Winery


ToDo App

HTML, CSS, JavaScript